Adieu, mouse arm! – Therapy of RSI syndrome

Author: Titus Maschke

Created: 23.12.2021

Updated: 15.04.2024

RSI syndrome or mouse arm
Mouse arm – a typical RSI syndrome

The RSI syndrome is beco­ming more and more common in our society, but to date it is not yet a reco­gnized occu­pa­tional disease in Germany. It is beco­ming an ever-incre­asing importance for us humans as a result of the incre­asing digi­ta­li­sa­tion of our lives and the constant mono­to­nous strain on the arms and hands of many people at work and at home.

However, to date there is no signi­fi­cant therapy for RSI syndrome that addresses the causes rather than the symptoms.

In this article you can read how to treat and elimi­nate mouse arm causally, simply and quickly and how these new prac­tical findings were arrived at.

Repetitive Strain Injury – injury caused by repeated strain

RSI syndrome (repe­ti­tive strain injury syndrome) is caused by constantly repe­ti­tive, similar move­ments and can affect the hands, arms, shoulders, neck and upper back. These perma­nent, mono­to­nous move­ments often lead to a patho­lo­gical condi­tion, even to the point of disability.

Mouse arm, a typical repre­sen­ta­tive of this syndrome, can already be described as a modern wide­spread disease. Chronic RSI syndrome is diffi­cult to cure.

There are a large number of RSI syndromes in a wide variety of occu­pa­tions and acti­vi­ties. Some of them are mentioned here:

- Web desi­gners, programmers, secre­ta­ries (mouse arm);

- Teachers (chalk arm);

- Pain­ters, hairdressers;

- Profes­sional drivers;

- Musi­cians (pianists, violinists);

- Athletes (runner’s knee).

Mouse arm therapy today

At present, mouse arm is usually treated conser­va­tively. Often only pain­kil­lers, massages or physio­the­rapy are prescribed. The most important treat­ment for mouse arm is a change in working condi­tions. [1]

However, these measures are more likely to serve as pain relief and preven­tion than to elimi­nate the cause. Useful measures such as an ergo­no­mic­ally desi­gned work­place, gymnastics and exer­cises for the muscles also serve as prevention.

Cause of RSI syndrome

In my opinion, the same, constantly recur­ring, similar move­ment leads to a change in the cent­ring of one or more joints due to an unevenly deve­loped muscu­la­ture: the ratio of exten­sors to flexors, of internal rota­tors to external rotators.

New therapeutic approach

I have deve­loped a treat­ment proce­dure for RSI syndrome that has proved successful in prac­tice:

  1. In my opinion, the problem lies in the cent­ring of the joint. Ther­e­fore, a joint or several joints must be centred, and in a certain order. This is the decisive factor.
  1. The muscle imba­lance that leads to this decen­tra­tion must then be balanced by appro­priate muscle work. Other­wise the success of the therapy will only last for a short time. To do this, the over­loaded (too strong) muscles must be stret­ched and the overst­ret­ched (too weak) muscles must be strengthened.

Practical implementation

For the treat­ment of RSI syndrome, it is not insi­gni­fi­cant with which link in the chain the treat­ment is started. A certain sequence must be observed when cent­ring the joints. Other­wise the therapy will not be successful. It has been found that the order in which the joints are centred is diffe­rent for diffe­rent RSI syndromes, i.e. for diffe­rent occu­pa­tions or activities.

In parti­cular with the mouse arm: first the carpal bones are set in a certain order, then (if neces­sary) the elbow and then the shoulder. If this treat­ment is carried out correctly, the pain in the second rib, which is a typical symptom of mouse arm, imme­dia­tely subs­ides. If it is done correctly, the second, painful rib will “come on its own”, i.e. it will set itself out again!

A manual thera­pist natu­rally does this using a simple method of manual therapy. A masseur knows that massage with move­ment (func­tional massage) centres joints. This would be the method for the masseur. An instructor in thera­peutic physical culture can achieve joint cent­ring through pure muscle work, e.g. with the PIR tech­nique or Dorn therapy.

After the joint has been centred, however, it is very important that the muscle imba­lance is treated and elimi­nated and, if neces­sary, patho­lo­gical move­ment patterns in the perfor­mance of the occu­pa­tion or acti­vity are eliminated.

When trea­ting muscles, we first stretch the over­loaded muscles that are shor­tened and then streng­then the overst­ret­ched muscles that are too weak. For example, with the mouse arm, it is prima­rily the exten­sion and not the flexion that needs to be trained, i.e. not the internal rota­tion but rather the external rota­tion, because the body tends to a certain position.

The follo­wing muscle treat­ment must ther­e­fore be carried out for mouse arm: The over­loaded flexors of the hand are too strong, these shor­tened muscles are first stret­ched passi­vely or actively through exer­cises. Initi­ally, 2–3 minutes several times a day. After stret­ching, the antago­nists, the exten­sors, which are too weak and overst­ret­ched, are streng­thened. Such an exer­cise for streng­thening while exten­sing would be, for example: opening the fingers of the fist against resistance.

Each RSI syndrome natu­rally has its own system of muscles that are in disharmony with each other. It is just a matter of finding out which muscles are over­loaded and which are overst­ret­ched. A masseur, instructor in thera­peutic physical culture, physio­the­ra­pist, doctor, alter­na­tive prac­ti­tioner or repre­sen­ta­tives of similar profes­sions with biome­cha­nical trai­ning are able to do this, it is part of their basic trai­ning. Ever­yone has suitable methods for streng­thening and stret­ching muscles.

We also know that we can only mask patho­lo­gical move­ment patterns through correct move­ment patterns, through constantly many repe­ti­tions. Every physio­the­ra­pist, masseur or doctor ther­e­fore has the tools of the trade from their practice.


Es In my opinion, it makes sense to learn certain prin­ci­ples in the treat­ment of RSI syndrome in further trai­ning so that these can then also be applied to all other dise­ases that affect RSI syndrome. This applies in parti­cular to the correct order in cente­ring the joints for the various RSI syndromes. We are happy to share this new know­ledge with you.

The disco­very of the therapy for RSI syndrome described here was accom­pa­nied by the deve­lo­p­ment of my metho­do­logy of causal therapy of the postural and muscu­los­ke­letal system.

I have been successfully applying my method of trea­ting and elimi­na­ting the causes of mouse arm and other RSI syndromes in my prac­tical work for several years. Many satis­fied pati­ents can confirm this to you.

If you would like to find out more about this small disco­very in medi­cine, contact us with confidence.