
„Сausal therapy of the postural and muscu­los­ke­letal system“ 

(Metho­do­logy accor­ding to Titus Maschke)

Causal therapy of the postural and muscu­los­ke­letal system is aimed at medical profes­sio­nals in this field, i.e. doctors, physio­the­ra­pists*, masseurs and physical therapy instruc­tors. Inte­rested medical profes­sio­nals can learn this effi­cient therapy theo­re­ti­cally and prac­ti­cally at any time in our advanced training.

Participants qualification:

Completed trai­ning as a physical thera­pist, masseur or physical therapy instructor (minimum requi­re­ment) or higher (physi­cians).


60 academic hours (30 hours – theory, 30 hours – practice).


  1. Lear­ning a novel approach to a medical problem in the area of the postural and muscu­los­ke­letal system
  2. Lear­ning the neces­sary prere­qui­sites and tech­ni­ques for conduc­ting therapy;
  3. Lear­ning the possi­bi­li­ties of use and limi­ta­tions of the therapy so as not to endanger the patient.

Thematic – Theory (in the auditorium):

  1. Applied biome­cha­nics and new muscle under­stan­ding (12 h);
  2. Laws of human move­ment and their appli­ca­tion in the therapy of disor­ders of the postural and loco­motor system by means of manual tech­ni­ques (10 h);
  3. Contra­in­di­ca­tions (4 h);
  4. Reflec­tive influence on internal organs (4 h).

Thematic – Practice:

  1. Prac­tical appli­ca­tion of the learned laws and tech­ni­ques in the own work (18 h);
  2. Keeping a journal of problem case therapy in own work: medical exami­na­tion / diagnosis, laws, tech­nique, result (4 hours);
  3. Check of the treat­ments (of the performed thera­pies) regar­ding the correct­ness of the applied laws and tech­ni­ques (8 h).

Thematic – Self-study:

Repe­ti­tion and refresh­ment of medical know­ledge (anatomy and other) neces­sary for the imple­men­ta­tion of causal therapy.

If you would like to learn more about our course, then contact us with confidence.


* Also physio­the­ra­pists are doctors in Russia.