Titus Maschke

Author of the causal therapy of the postural and muscu­los­ke­letal system

Physio­the­ra­pist, naturopath

Titus Maschke

About Titus Maschke

The causal therapy of the postural and muscu­los­ke­letal system Titus deve­loped in the last 20 years. He provided prac­tical proof of the effi­ci­ency of his new system in recent years in his physio­the­rapy prac­tice in Staß­furt (Saxony-Anhalt). He has been applying his new treat­ment philo­sophy there for several years with general success. Titus is happy to share his know­ledge with inte­rested medicals.

Work experience

2017 – today

Private prac­tice for physio­the­rapy „Julja Maschke“, Staßfurt 

Acti­vity: physio­the­ra­pist, consulting

1991 – 2017

Private prac­tice for physio­the­rapy „Titus Maschke“, Staß­furt

Acti­vity: physio­the­ra­pist, owner

1980 – 1991

Muni­cipal Poly­clinic, Staßfurt

Acti­vity: masseur, physiotherapist

1977 – 1980

District Hospital, Staßfurt

Acti­vity: masseur

Professional competences

Many years of expe­ri­ence in the fields of massage, physio­the­rapy, manual therapy and osteopathy.

1976 – 1989

Masseur / physio­the­ra­pist of the hand­ball team Dynamo/Motor Staß­furt, 2nd GDR hand­ball league


1979 – 1983

Profes­sional school for physio­the­rapy, Halberstadt

Evening study

Degree: physio­the­ra­pist

1975 – 1978

Reha­bi­li­ta­tion center for the blind „Dr. Salvador Allende“, Chem­nitz (Karl-Marx-Stadt)

Degree: masseur


From our team

Frank Flügel

Mana­ging director

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