Frank Flügel

Mana­ging director of the company Timarff OÜ


Frank Flügel

About Frank Flügel

Since his youth, Frank has been connected with the beau­tiful city of St. Peters­burg. His studies, profes­sional acti­vity in Russia and Estonia were and are for him a valuable school of life. Also, the passion for chess since early child­hood has deve­loped perse­ver­ance and deter­mi­na­tion in him. With great pati­ence he has been working for years on the realiza­tion of the wort­hwhile project “Causal Therapy”. Chess, by the way, brought Frank and Titus toge­ther back in their youth.

Work experience

2021 – today

Company Timarff OÜ, Narva-Jõesuu / Estonia

Acti­vity: Mana­ging Director

2016 – 2021

Indi­vi­dual entrepreneur

Company: Frank Flügel, Narva-Jõesuu

Acti­vity: Inter­preter / Translations

1998 – 2016

Indi­vi­dual entrepreneur

Company: NEWA Consul­ting, Staß­furt / St. Petersburg

Acti­vity: Consul­ting, Inter­preter / Translations

1997 – 1998

Preussag Wasser und Rohr­technik GmbH, Hannover

Acti­vity: Repre­sen­ta­tive in Russia (St. Peters­burg office)

1994 – 1997

Indi­vi­dual entrepreneur

Company: NEWA Handel & Consul­ting, Staß­furt / St.Petersburg

Acti­vity: Consul­ting, Inter­preter / Translations

1991 – 1994

Krupp Förder­technik GmbH, Duisburg

Acti­vity: Repre­sen­ta­tive in Russia and CIS count­ries (Moscow office)



Tech­nical Univer­sity, St. Peters­burg (Lenin­grad Poly­technic Insti­tute named M. I. Kalinin)

Defense of the doctoral thesis at the Faculty of Mecha­nical Engineering

Academic degree: Dr.-Ing.

1987 – 1990

Lenin­grad Poly­technic Insti­tute named M. I. Kalinin

Docto­rate at the chair “Hoists, Trans­port and Cons­truc­tion Machinery”

1981 – 1987

Lenin­grad Poly­technic Insti­tute named M. I. Kalinin

Univer­sity studies at the Faculty of Mecha­nical Engi­nee­ring in the field of “hois­ting and trans­port machines”.

Degree: Dipl.-Ing.


From our team

Titus Maschke


About the company Timarff

Who are we? What do we do? What are we for?