Methodology of therapy

The metho­do­logy of causal therapy of the postural and muscu­los­ke­letal system can be briefly described as follows:

The human as part of nature

  • Natu­re’s mecha­nisms repre­sent the optimal solu­tion in terms of a survival stra­tegy. Evolu­tion has found the optimal solu­tion for survival.
  • They are focused on the ability to actively engage with the environment.

The pain

  • Pain is an expres­sion of a change to the detri­ment of the body.
  • It trig­gers certain protec­tive and auxi­liary mecha­nisms of nature.
  • Many of these protec­tive mecha­nisms are no longer vital in today’s world due to socialization.

The movement

  • Move­ment is part of the living orga­nism’s ability to actively engage with the environment.
  • The move­ment beha­vior of humans has changed drasti­cally in the last 100 years.
  • The variety of move­ment has been replaced by constantly repea­ting move­ments of the same kind.
  • Due to the progress of medi­cine and the change in move­ment patterns, new problems arise in the field of surgical and non-surgical orthopedics.

The consequences

  • A not incon­siderable propor­tion of pain syndromes are caused by a shift in muscle balance (mouse hand, impinge­ment syndrome, tennis elbow, etc.).
  • The result is syndromes (due to a cente­ring error) in a joint, in the most severe case – a blockage.

Change of the treatment concept

1. Fight pain (pain manage­ment) with all available means;
2. fight inflamm­a­tion (inflamm­a­tion reduc­tion);
3. tracing the causa­lity (the motive of nature);
4. timely cente­ring and deblo­cking (as early as possible);
5. treat­ment of chains (of all affected muscles);
6. conver­sion of the move­ment beha­vior to prevent the recur­rence of the disorders.

Prerequisites for the therapy

1. Reco­gni­tion of the mecha­nisms of origin;
2. a variety of tests to iden­tify muscle imba­lances;
3. appro­priate proce­dures for cente­ring, deblo­cking and influen­cing muscle balance.