Our history

From the idea of two chess friends to spread new medical know­ledge in the world to the estab­lish­ment of a small company in Estonia – a 20-year story about a project to help people better. The story of two mad talents, one gifted physical thera­pist and one patient visionary.

Here you can find a short review.


  How it all began… 

Titus, the physio­the­ra­pist, tells his friend Frank, the visio­nary, about his obser­va­tion and realiza­tion about a cat that kept walking on three legs after step­ping on a shard of glass. – The hour of birth of causal therapy of the postural and muscu­los­ke­letal system.


The thought of spreading Titus’ new methodology to the world

Both friends have the idea to spread Titus’ new therapy, i.e. his new metho­do­logy in the world. But due to the long distance from each other – Titus in Staß­furt and Frank in St. Peters­burg – this project was to become a diffi­cult under­ta­king in the follo­wing years.


The idea of the first training course in St. Petersburg

Titus proposes to Frank to conduct the first advanced trai­ning of medi­cals in Russia. In St. Peters­burg, where Frank has lived for many years, the first attempt should start.


The first training course in St. Petersburg

In St. Peters­burg the first trai­ning course of a small group of medi­cals on the theory of the metho­do­logy takes place successfully. However, another 4 years should pass until a continuation…


The idea of further education in Estonia

Frank, who has also lived in Estonia since 2008, suggests to Titus that the next further educa­tion be held in Narva and begins prepa­ring a presen­ta­tion of the metho­do­logy in Tallinn.


The presentation of the methodology in Tallinn

The presen­ta­tion of Titus’ metho­do­logy in Tallinn is received with great appr­oval. It is the first confir­ma­tion for us that his metho­do­logy will find appli­ca­tion in medicine.


The first training course in Narva

In Narva, the first further educa­tion of a small group of masseurs in theory and prac­tice is successfully taking place. It was the first attempt to teach the metho­do­logy holistically.


Continuation in St. Petersburg

A presen­ta­tion of the metho­do­logy is successfully taking place in St. Peters­burg. Doctors also confirm the effec­ti­ve­ness of Titus’ methodology.


The second training course in St. Petersburg – theory

The theo­re­tical foun­da­tions of the metho­do­logy are successfully taught to a group of doctors and masseurs in a further trai­ning course in St. Peters­burg. It is the final confir­ma­tion for us that Titus’ metho­do­logy will find wide­spread appli­ca­tion in medicine.


The second training course in St. Petersburg – practice

The first part of the prac­tical execu­tion of the metho­do­logy is taught to the same group of medi­cals in St. Peters­burg. The conti­nua­tion further educa­tion is planned.


It becomes more concrete…

The foun­da­tion of our company Timarff OÜ in Estonia and our long-awaited Internet presence are important mile­stones on the road to success.


Our first book is coming on Amazon

The popular science book “Monkeys don’t know a cast” is coming on Amazon. The subtitle “How reha­bi­li­ta­tion after plaster removal can be shor­tened many times over” rather suggests that this is a small disco­very in medicine.


with a view to the future…

As you can see, our project has been running for many years. During this time Titus created and deve­loped his metho­do­logy of causal therapy of the postural and muscu­los­ke­letal system. We are convinced that this metho­do­logy will find wide appli­ca­tion in medi­cine. So that medi­cals can treat even better for the benefit of people. The results so far make us hopeful. We are inspired by the thought that the therapy of RSI syndrome and the turning off of proprio­re­cep­tion will also soon find wide­spread use in medi­cine. 

What’s the saying? What lasts a long time finally becomes good…


About the company Timarff

Who are we? What do we do? What are we for?