Proprioreception and its targeted turning off

Author: Titus Maschke

Created: 05.02.2023

Updated: 09.10.2024

Proprioreception or depth sensitivity
Proprio­re­cep­tive training 

Proprio­re­cep­tion, often called the “sixth sense”, has funda­mental importance for us humans, even if we are mostly unaware of its exis­tence. In general, attempts are made to develop the proprio­re­cep­tive abili­ties of humans, which enables a better self-aware­ness of our body.

What bene­fits however a targeted turning off of proprio­re­cep­tion brings to humans and how these new scien­tific findings were arrived at, you can read in this article.

Proprioreception – the self-awareness of our body

Proprio­re­cep­tion (from Latin proprius “own” and reci­pere “to receive”), also called proprio­re­cep­tion, refers to the percep­tion of one’s own body depen­ding on its posi­tion and move­ment in space.

Without proprio­re­cep­tion, coor­di­nated physical move­ment would not be possible – and yet proprio­re­cep­tion, also called depth sensi­ti­vity, is still poorly unders­tood. [1]

Disturbed proprioreception

A healthy person is charac­te­rized by a clear self-percep­tion of his body. If our innate self-aware­ness of the body is disturbed (e.g. due to medi­ca­tion, neuro­lo­gical dise­ases or trauma), then attempts are made to regain the proprio­re­cep­tive abili­ties through appro­priate measures, e.g. proprio­re­cep­tive trai­ning. A disturbed proprio­cep­tion not infre­quently has serious conse­quences for our well-being.

Targeted turning off of proprioreception

As already mentioned, the streng­thening of proprio­re­cep­tion is the goal of many acti­vi­ties in various areas of life (reha­bi­li­ta­tion, high-perfor­mance sports, etc.).

But what happens if, on the contrary, this proprio­re­cep­tion is reduced or comple­tely swit­ched off? Self-percep­tion is innate to us, and so far it was not known to switch it off in any way (except for anesthesia).

I “acci­den­tally” disco­vered this pheno­menon in my prac­tical work some time ago. I disco­vered an effect that can be brought about manu­ally, which makes it possible to comple­tely switch off proprio­re­cep­tion. This effect can be applied very usefully in prac­tice, which is described in the follo­wing three examples.

1. Shortening of rehabilitation after removal of plaster for fractures.

In the chapter Features of the causal therapy of the postural and muscu­los­ke­letal system, protec­tive and auxi­liary mecha­nisms of nature are mentioned, which our body actually no longer needs. The turning off or non-starting of certain protec­tive mecha­nisms (emer­gency programs) can lead to a signi­fi­cant shor­tening of a therapy. This is also the case here in the reha­bi­li­ta­tion of frac­tures after removal of the plaster cast.

The reason for the rela­tively long reha­bi­li­ta­tion period after cast removal (about one month, even longer) is the exis­tence of an emer­gency program, which is inherent to us humans (and also animals). By targeted turning off the proprio­cep­tion, however, this emer­gency program can be prevented from starting.

In the case of bone frac­tures, reha­bi­li­ta­tion after removal of the cast today usually requires 12 to 18 treat­ments to regain full mobi­lity of the affected joint. However, with targeted turning off of proprio­re­cep­tion, reha­bi­li­ta­tion can be shor­tened to about 5 treat­ments! Thus, for example, a soccer player can play again after 3–4 days after the removal of the cast. Under certain condi­tions, it is even possible to restore full mobi­lity to the joint with just one treat­ment after the cast is removed.

Would you like to find out how to reduce the reha­bi­li­ta­tion time after plaster removal from 4 to 6 weeks to just 3 – 4 days?

Our popular science book “Monkeys don’t know a cast” has been published by Amazon. The reader will be intro­duced to a small disco­very in medi­cine in a simple and under­stan­dable way.

The book is an excel­lent gift for all those who have the desire and inte­rest to learn some­thing new about humans and themselves.

You can find the book on Amazon under the link:

2. Torticollis spasticus (torticollis) in infants

Proprio­cep­tion involves the percep­tion of the body to the envi­ron­ment. If this is disturbed by trauma in any form, there is also a malde­ve­lo­p­ment of proprio­cep­tion in the modern sense in modern society to the detri­ment of the body.

In infants, espe­ci­ally after forceps deli­very , blee­ding occurs in the ster­no­clei­do­mastoid muscle, which leads to torti­collis. By turning off the proprio­cep­tion, one can help there effec­tively, quickly.

3. Whiplash after a traffic accident

Another appli­ca­tion refers to whip­lash. After rear-end colli­sions is quite typical: a change in the cervical spine in terms of pain due to proprio­re­cep­tion dysre­gu­la­tion. Massage is abso­lutely unsui­table in this case. Turning off of proprio­re­cep­tion means much faster healing of the symptoms.


In summary, it can be said that the turning off of proprio­cep­tion is always useful and results in a signi­fi­cant change and/or shor­tening of therapy when increased muscle tension prevents move­ment.

The disco­very of the turning off of proprio­re­cep­tion described here was accom­pa­nied by the emer­gence of my metho­do­logy for causal therapy of the postural and muscu­los­ke­letal system.

I have been successfully using the effect of the targeted turning off of proprio­re­cep­tion in my prac­tical work for several years.

If you would like to learn more about this medical disco­very, contact us with confidence.


1. Proprio­zep­tion: Was wir über unseren „6. Sinn“ wissen sollten –