Сausal therapy of the postural and musculoskeletal system

Elimi­na­tion of func­tional disor­ders 3–5 times faster and for a long time

Correct the cause and do not treat any symptoms

New therapy through new linking of known knowledge

In the course of the last three decades, Titus Maschke, a physio­the­ra­pist from Staß­furt, has deve­loped an effi­cient system of diagnosis and treat­ment that allows func­tional disor­ders of the postural and muscu­los­ke­letal system to be causally iden­ti­fied and sustain­ably reme­died. This new system, which is based on scien­ti­fi­cally founded medical findings, not only gives today’s physio­the­rapy a comple­tely new status. It also means signi­fi­cant changes for the findings in this medical field.

Expert knowledge from theory and practice

The Causal therapy of the postural and muscu­los­ke­letal system can be learned easily and quickly by medical profes­sio­nals in our course.

Doesn’t every doctor, physio­the­ra­pist or masseur wish to heal their pati­ents faster and better? And that’s exactly what this new therapy will help you to do, expan­ding your exper­tise and incre­asing your autho­rity with pati­ents and colleagues.

In the follo­wing video you get an insight into the therapy, an essen­tial compo­nent of the diagnosis, which is often ignored and in many people only leads to pain after years. The video is only available in German and Russian for the time being, with English subtitles it will appear here shortly.

Basis of the therapy

The basis of therapy is the causal approach – the prin­ciple of causa­tion and conse­quence. Instead of sympto­matic treat­ment, which, as a rule, does not reveal the cause of a disorder, a causal metho­do­logy of diagno­stics and therapy occurred, which makes it possible to deter­mine and elimi­nate the cause of a disorder. This makes modern physio­the­rapy much more effi­cient. The basis for this is an exten­sive know­ledge of corre­la­tions and thera­peutic approa­ches in order to be able to treat effectively.

For whom?

The content of our website is mainly addressed to medical profes­sio­nals in the field of postural and muscu­los­ke­letal system, to whom we would like to share our know­ledge. At the same time, however, non-medical profes­sio­nals will certainly come across our website, e.g. if someone wants to elimi­nate the problem with his mouse arm (or another RSI syndrome). Or he is simply inte­rested in how to signi­fi­cantly shorten the reha­bi­li­ta­tion time after the removal of a cast in case of a bone frac­ture by speci­fi­cally elimi­na­ting the proprio­re­cep­tion.

Therapy of mouse arm (RSI syndrome)

Disco­very in medicine

Targeted elimi­na­tion of proprio­cep­tion 

Disco­very in medicine

About the author of the therapy

Titus Maschke began his physio­the­ra­peutic work in the high-perfor­mance sports of the former GDR and already then had access to the latest findings in sports medi­cine. These scien­tific-prac­tical findings in inter­ac­tion with the modern know­ledge in anatomy (posture and muscu­los­ke­letal system) and biome­cha­nics he gene­ra­lized in the last years to an effi­cient and accom­plished system, which is successfully applied today in all age groups of the popu­la­tion – from infants to pensioners.

The all important question

From the begin­ning, the ques­tion for him was: What is the motive of nature to have to defend itself in this way? In other words: For what reason does our body defend itself to distur­bances (inju­ries) with pain in a very specific way? What is the reason for this specific pain? Why is an injury followed by such a defen­sive reac­tion of our body? Answe­ring this key ques­tion really brought to light a new philo­sophy in physio­the­rapy, which allows to treat and diagnose much more effec­tively than it is common in this field today.


You are inte­rested in this new therapy and want to know more about it?