Features of the therapy

Causal therapy accor­ding to Titus Maschke allows to elimi­nate disor­ders of the postural and muscu­los­ke­letal system about 3–5 times faster than it is possible in today’s tradi­tional physio­the­rapy. Through causal diagnosis, the cause of a disorder is reliably and quickly deter­mined, after which this disorder, i.e. its cause, is perma­nently elimi­nated through manual therapy (or other tech­ni­ques). The therapy is followed by regular (targeted) gymnastic exer­cises to ensure the sustaina­bi­lity of the cure.

Accor­ding to his own esti­mate, with the help of his causal therapy, it is possible to make a reliable diagnosis in 9 out of 10 cases, using simple manual means. Only in every tenth case diagno­stics with tech­nical equip­ment becomes neces­sary. The diagnosis made today by ortho­pe­dists and surgeons – often at great finan­cial expense – can thus be simpli­fied consider­ably. This means a complete reori­en­ta­tion of diagno­stics in this area.

Accor­ding to Titus Maschke, his system of causal therapy consists of 95% diagnosis and only 5% therapy! That sounds almost unbe­lie­vable. If you also consider the importance of diagnosis in medi­cine as a whole and how often wrong diagnoses are made today in the field of postural and loco­motor system, you can already now say that the causal therapy accor­ding to Titus Maschke repres­ents a turning point in this medical field!

Other essen­tial features of this causal therapy are:

- The system is simple and based on laws. It is thus repro­du­cible.

- The system repres­ents essen­ti­ally nothing new! It was created by causal linking of already known medical know­ledge from theory and prac­tice. The excep­tion is the disco­very of a new effect, the targeted elimi­na­tion of proprio­re­cep­tion.

- The system uses targeted the coping stra­te­gies (protec­tive mecha­nisms) deve­loped for emer­gen­cies, which are given to humans by nature to main­tain vital func­tions. At the same time, the system envi­sages dismant­ling natural coping stra­te­gies that are no longer neces­sary today due to advanced human deve­lo­p­ment, or not allo­wing them to emerge, in order to help people more quickly and effectively.

- The new system includes a mecha­nism that allows to protect the physical thera­pist himself from his own actions with unfo­re­seeable conse­quences on the patient.

It is not diffi­cult to imagine that this highly effi­cient diagnosis and treat­ment system will open up oppor­tu­ni­ties for colossal cost savings in health­care.

Accor­ding to Titus Maschke’s esti­mate, the use of his diagnosis and treat­ment system could elimi­nate about 100 surgical inter­ven­tions per year. With opera­tion costs of approx. 5,000 euros and a number of approx. 30,000 physio­the­rapy prac­tices in Germany, this would thus result in an annual savings poten­tial for health insu­rance compa­nies of approx. 15 billion euros! Assuming that this causal therapy is widely applied throug­hout Germany.

Further­more, about half of the annual costs for drugs and reme­dies in the physio­the­ra­peutic field, i.e. about 4 billion euros, could be saved.

In addi­tion, there would be substan­tial savings in the area of diagno­stics in surgical and ortho­pedic hospital depart­ments and clinics. Simple manual diagnosis could reduce the use of cost-inten­sive diagno­stic methods to a minimum with the aid of tech­nical equip­ment. The invest­ment required for the tech­nical equip­ment of these medical prac­tices would be many times lower than is the case today.